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Description Horzer

Welcome to one of the best and most accessible, free browser games for all horse-lovers.
Look after your very own horse or pony (via your own page) and oversee their every need as they grow up.
It's a game with the perfect blend of education and empowerment for all would-be owners of these special animals.
First, select a new horse from among 46 available breeds....
Keep your horse nice and healthy by regular feeding, grooming and care. This means going for horse rides with your friends and doing the other equestrian events to enhance your horse!
Horzer provides the chance to prove you know how to look after a horse. For every activity, you will see that your horse's statistics and character evolve. Maintaining them at a continually high level is the challenge.
Prove your skills as a horse owner in the equestrian shows and other competitions to show off your magnificent creatures!
Breed with other player's horses to get delightful little ponies to play with.
Take part in horse shows, become a riding instructor, equestrian competition judge...or many other jobs related to horses.
Manage your very own stables and look after the horses and ponies depending on your care!

Horzer promotes a responsible attitude and never forces you to keep checking the game every day. If you can't play because of holidays, exams, etc, you will come back to find your game just as it was!

Why not check out the site for the game today, where you can do a guided tour of all the features in the game. You'll be managing your very own horse in no time and sharing tips with like-minded horse-owners.

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Horzer requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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